Friday, July 08, 2005

A Leap of..Nature..?

It's Friday afternoon..the air is thick with both stifling humidity and the anticipation of what the weekend ahead will bring. A trip to the grocery store for pop yielded it's usual $100.00 worth of additional items (sigh..). Suddenly up the hilly driveway zooms a shiny black Mustang, it's driver grinning from ear to ear like a true Cheshire cat. He leaps out of the car with more than a usual spring in his step. He calls me over from grocery hauling to see what he has brought me. He points to the windshield wiper which lies flat in its usual position. I see nothing, then he suddenly cups something tiny, green and slightly slimy and opens his large hand to reveal none other than the return of Todias, the mystery toad. It seems this delicate creature appeared clinging perilously to the inside of the car door early this morning (5:20 am). Running late, Kev chose not to address this situation. So Todias rode the entire 26 miles to kev's workplace, hung out all day with the Mustang, then leaped one spectacular jump to the windshield and took the more thrilling ride home perched within the wiper blade. This would not seem so unusual had it not been for for an earlier reptilian appearance weeks earlier. I have no doubts whatsoever that this must be the same tiny toad that I found quivering in the watering can that sat inside my dining room all winter. Mind you, it's a mystery as to how this hopping wonder came to exist at all in my house after a long Minnesota winter (perhaps immaculate conception??). Anyway..I promptly named him To(a)dias and let him go in the backyard after a week of exquisite care on the kitchen counter.

It's nice to see he had quadrupled in size, but sadly his shyness remains intact. Nature finds a way..doesn't it?

Check back for the hopefully continuing (and heartwarming) story of Todias, the immaculate wonder toad. Picture to follow at a later date...


Blogger Swinging Sammy said...

WB Todias! We had given up on ever seeing you...

7:40 AM  
Blogger wowgirl said...

Todias has just a bit of courage....hmmmmmm where could I find a lesson in this?????

9:45 AM  
Blogger Tortikat said...

eh..When you're lost and don't know your way home..just hold on for dear life and your path home will zoom out before you?

10:29 AM  
Blogger Bonita said...

Wow! I hope you keep us posted about this little critter!

8:03 PM  

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